27 Apr 2016

6th avenue heartache - The Wallflowers

6th avenue heartache - The Wallflowers
Going on with American music, I have already posted a few Wallflowers songs lately, this is another one of their most famous and also another one of my favourites off their second album, which I've really enjoyed listening to. Today has been a weird day in its "standardness": things that were supposed to happen and didn't, things that did, things that made me feel busy and gave me a kind of urgency that was totally meaningless, just because they all piled up together. All in all it's not a day I will remember (maybe), but one of those days that I think have an impact on the kind of people we are without us realising it. As all of them are, in a way. "The same black line that was drawn on you, was drawn on me..."

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