24 Feb 2016

Texas reznikoff - Mitski

Texas reznikoff - Mitski
I've been recently getting to know Mitski, don't remember how or when exactly, but I did and I quite liked her. This is the opening track of her 2014 album, which is the one I have approached so far, and it's also the first song of hers I've ever heard, I believe. It's always delicate when you listen to a completely new singer for the first time, it usually takes me quite a while to get into the music and the very first approach is key! In this case it's been quite successful and I entered into her music quite quickly, but then it got a bit harder to go deeper, I think I still haven't completely processed her yet, even after 10 plays of the album. We'll see in the future how my relationship with her develops!! In the meanwhile I hope you'll enjoy this very nice tune! Good night!

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