6 Oct 2014

The miracle (of Joey Ramone) - U2

The miracle (of Joey Ramone) - U2
I realised just now that I haven't posted yesterday and, well, midnight has just past... anyway, it's been an intense couple of days, especially thanks to / because of F1. I went to bed early on friday night, before midnight, which is quite unusual for me (as you can tell from the usual time of posting!) and I slept badly, woke up at 5.38, couldn't sleep again until after the F1 qualifying session, anyway not well... Then last night I went to bed late to avoid making the same mistake, so I ended up sleeping some 5 hours or so... ok, I was very productive and I slept well during my sleeptime, but I've been feeling my eyes burn since this afternoon... I need sleeep! I was even more nervous/excited because I have been having the feeling that this GP would've made history... and it actually did make it, but not exactly in the way I supposed... besides a very good race of my JB (Jenson Button), the main news is the terrible accident that the other JB (Jules Bianchi) was involved in. So bad that they didn't even show any official pictures or video of the action... so we don't even have a very clear idea of what happened, anyway the young French pilot is undergoing surgeries for a trauma at the head, not nice... We can just hope in a miracle to avoid another Michael Schumacher case methinks...
I see F1 has been filling up my life so much as it has filled up this already-long post, so I'll tell you the rest tomorrow! For now I'll leave you with the miracle track out of U2's new album, which seems a good fit... hope you enjoy. Good night!

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